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They usually take you to thrid party chatting apps so that it is harder for steam to recover chat, Here's another link [steamnitro.com](http://https:/steamnitro.com), i got scammed i made worlds biggest mistake, Me two man im so down right new because it was my main Acc :/ so guys, i just get scammed by it caused by my careless anyone know how to solve it?? CopyPastaArchive Protect your devices, your data, and your privacyat home or on the go. its a scam, like an idiot i clicked on it, but my antivirus closed it before it could do any damage to my computer. that happened to my friend and they instantly replied to themselves saying wtf, so it was instantly cleared, but I think in the time it takes for him to change the password, he would've been banned across a few hundred servers. yea the other day i was sent a scam link going by [https://discord-app.net/get/nitro/](https://discord-app.net/get/nitro/) recently lost my csgo inv worth around 1k. Here's how to make a strong password. 2 new ones steamcomminuty.com/free/nitro and discordnitro.click/nitro-steam, http://steamcomminuty.com/store/free-dsnitro my Discord scam everytime this link, [https://steamcomminuty.com/friend/nitro/gift](https://steamcomminuty.com/friend/nitro/gift) is that real or scam, i havent logged in, not real, the link says "comminuty" instead of "community", Thats fine. recently hath lost mine own csgo inv worth 'round 1k. fun/ nitro Get 3 Months of Discord Nitro. `@Everyone take https://steamcornminuty.com/free/nitro/gifts/friendc steam give nitro` what antivirus do you use that catches it? The price certainly doesn't reflect how many triple AAA games you have, with a Kaspersky report finding that stolen gaming credentials were trading hands for a little as $14.20 for 1,000 accounts. Just recovered it a few minutes ago, actually. Thank you. Just got one and didnt click instead searched and found this post! No thanks dodgy extensions are one of the most dangerous things to install in a browser, as they can steal passwords, spy on your browsing history and so on. Sign up for our newsletter and https://discord-app.net/accept-nitro. Whats a classic faux pas old people do while using social media ? Anyway great tips thanks I saved it been scammed by steam scammers myself so yeah hate to see the nitro shit going on again and again stupid guy tried spamming official server I was in too far out told the mod to get rid of the dude I clicked the link but when it went to steam I was like been burnt before so I knew it was a fake Yeah all these scammers are real annoying, safest ways is these ways, an additional creditcard is real good in these cases, but a vpn wont do much more than hide ip and they cant do anyhting with it anyway, anyone can acsess your ip through discord or most social media, some linux kids call it hacking but they cant do anything with it anyway, its this forms of information thats more valuable and can only be accesable through an virus/program and scam sites. Just changed my password cuz I didn't lose my account yet. I should be alright, right? pretty devastating. im just too worry that if it just me got that mail or it's just kinda auto-mail Discord Nitro for Free - Steam Store Discord Nitro Classic: Understanding the Differences, upgrading to Malwarebytes Premium is totally worth it. Take a moment to complete an internet search for whatever the deal is along with the words "phishing" or "scam.". Then I read the url and Cornminuty Related: Discord Nitro vs. Make sure you check the links. Heres why you can trust us. While the Steam Community page link used in this scam may appear real, that you couldn't select it to copy and paste is a massive giveaway that something isn't right. https://discord.givaeway.com/nitro A good way to look up a program or link is to just google it or theres also a good site called "VirusTotal" that check links and programs how safe they are. Here Are 5 3D Printing Surfaces to the Rescue, 5 Sites Where You Can Download Old PC Games for Free. Another one. Theres novelty, however, in scammers preying on both at the same time. My friend sent me this, the login page was pretty suspicious, as the URL was completely blank. LOL, just saw the cornminuty thing, yeeaahh. All Rights Reserved. http://discord-claim.com/airdrop, this is another one I got(I lost may account, but it was 1 month old so no loss) Discord Nitro Classic: Understanding the Differences. It also asks for steam log in so screw them. I didn't click it. Once Discord users click the link, they are directed to a website that was made to look and feel like a legitimate Discord page. But maybe someone from the Steam support is nice and helps me, someone from steam support really helped me and he immediately changed the password to a steam protected password and gived me the account back and i changed the password, I followed what this guy did to get back my account. Today's best Corsair Vengeance i7200 deals, We check over 250 million products every day for the best prices, Android scam apps with 10M downloads deleted by Google what to do, PS5 restock sold out at Walmart where to find inventory next, 5 dorm room appliances that you will and won't need, Resident Evil season 2 on Netflix Everything we know, I tried the Pilates workout Meghan Markle swears by heres what happened, Daily Quordle #178 answers and hints for Thursday, July 21, How to set up My Sports on the iOS 16 News app, Today's Wordle answer and hints solution #397, Thursday, July 21, The best tech tutorials and in-depth reviews, Try a single issue or save on a subscription, Issues delivered straight to your door or device. Slowly check the spelling and see online if this is an actual gieveaway before clicking it! I am scared if I am safe or not. published 3 November 21. if anyone asks I have avast antivirus on my computer. I wanted to take screenshot to report to a mod on discord. [gifts-discord.shop/check](https://gifts-discord.shop/check) And similar to how scammers repeatedly prey on Discord users, they also prey on Steam users (Remember that I accidentally reported you scam?). April 5, 2021 - A roundup of the previous week's security news, from March 29 to April 4. I just clicked the link and fell for it, but I immediately changed my passwords of steam and email. If the target clicks the link contained in the phishing message, they're first taken to a website posing as an official Discord Nitro page, complete with a splash screen advertising the one-month free deal if you link your Steam account. Thank you for signing up to Tom's Guide. Pls if someone can help me. learn Should probably change passwords on other sites because they know my password and email now, I just want to add another link that one of my friends at discord sent to a server https://discord-claim.com/airdrop. If you read slowly, the ea in giveaway are inverted to ae, be careful with that kinda links! I thought it was posted by a familiar member but maybe I was just seeing things. Theres several ways to stay safe, you can use virtual pc for all online stuff you do also, im pretty sure ive missed a few but these are some good ways to stay safe, no glove no love. I just got that same message today. [https://discord-give.com/drop-nitro](https://discord-give.com/drop-nitro) new link for this shitty ass scam dont click it. "Thanks to the Malwarebytes MSP program, we have this high-quality product in our stack. https://dlscord-app.com/bonus/nltro. In that case, you should be very wary of unsolicited emails or direct messages offering you something for free that would otherwise cost money. I entered everything but I think I'm safe, because there was an error connecting and the link was from Russia. A new phishing scam tries to steal your Steam credentials by promising a free month of Discord Nitro, which is worth a whopping $9.99. I just got a message from bot with "https://premium-discords.com/" link just gotta wait for the official help .. :( i tried whatever i cud to revive it but i think the password and mail changes immediately after u enter ur credentials coz when u put forgot pass it shows a diff mail .. \>>got scammed w this link [https://steamcornminuty.com/nitro/gift](https://steamcornminuty.com/nitro/gift) <<, I was stupid enough to click it and fill my details. The girls I have had sex with in my past. In short, the scam uses a free offer of Discord Nitro, Discord's premium subscription service that comes with a few extra bells and whistles, as a phishing lure. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Always have several bank accounts, exampel you have one separate account you have a credit card you transfer money to use for all credit purchase, like if you go to the store or shopping online and get robbed or they steal your credit card info, you only loose what you have on that acount let say 100 dollar that your bank usually have rules that if you get scammed they can give back what you loose. I just got this one from md, probably is a scam, I didn't see any shit on steam I appreciate your post, it stopped me from going further. That means, if the deal or what you're being offered seems outrageously good, it's likely to be a scam. I am thankful to God that I didn't put my login details on that page. The links to these phishing pages seem like something that might be legitimate: discord-nitro.com, appnitro-discord.com, discord-steam-promo.com and so on. This tactic is similar to that used by fraudsters about two years ago, described here by Reddit user /Bangaladore. I stupidly clicked the link too, normally super careful with that kind of stuff. Make sure your Steam password, and your Discord one as well, are long, strong and unique. [Link (Scam)](https://discord-app.net/nitro-gift), https://discord-app.net/nitro/prize This is another one ive seen. Hi, here is couple tips for you HOW TO NOT GET SCAMMED. Heres a better example from a related scam website that perfectly loaded up everything: When Discord users key in their Steam credentials in the fake pop-up, it will show them the error message saying The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect. Guys i got a virus or something and i keep sending everyone on my discord this fishing message. I am scared right now, because I'm stupid. ", That in turn generates what looks like a Steam sign-in window, but as Umawing noted, "it's actually not a separate window but a part of the website itself.". [https://discord-app.net/nitro-gift](https://discord-app.net/nitro-gift) is another scam website, which seems nearly like the top one, Pls can How can I take back my account ??? Someone I knew from discord was spamming me with this scam but I was curious and clicked and then immediately clicked off. Good you took precautions never trust third party sites or shady links, thankfully i had an antivirus, so it told me that it had URL:phishing on it View Results >, Posted: November 2, 2021 by Jovi Umawing 17 - 19 de Mayo, Pabelln Innovacin, Calidad y Ambientes de Aprendizaje, UdeG presente en Jalisco Talent Land 2022, UdeG ser sede de la Cumbre Internacional del Hbitat de Amrica Latina y El Caribe, Abren licenciatura en Construccin de Paz y Seguridad en CUTlajomulco para el calendario 2022-B, Destaca publicacin internacional diseo arquitectnico del MCA, UdeG tendr oferta cultural durante vacaciones de verano 2022, School Board Candidate Says Doctors Helping Trans Kids Should Hang From A Tree, Hiring woes loom large at business officers' conference, U.S. shuts a community college's 'free' program for union members, President of NC Community College system abruptly resigns, Academic freedom is under threat in India. But wed like to point out that, while the websites we visited and analyzed related to this scam use the same interface, there are just times when the code breaks and the spoofed URL in the fake address bar doesnt show as it should. *** No falten al Encuentro de Innovacin Educativa, #InnovaForum de la @Universidad de Guadalajara , "Aprendizaje hbrido y pedagogas activas". I'm pretty cautious when it comes to links from others I don't know. discord-app.net/steam. Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. New TikTok Scam Offers Free Steam Games: What to Watch Out For, Discord Nitro vs. Related: Is It Safe to Buy Games From Steam? In the post, he describes in detail how he (or his friend) found out that the pop-up is actually not a pop-up: If you try to drag the window off of the parent chrome window, what happens? Hello, the discord is giving out nitro again, only now it's not an epik games but a steam, I took it, take it for yourself, you will boost the server for me) Discord is a messaging platform that's very popular among people who play online games. how to protect your computer from threats. Click on the embedded link, Umawing said, and you'll be taken to what looks like a real Discord page with a big fat purple button in the middle labeled "Get Nitro. Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`, You Can Actually Try to retrieve your account by contacting Steam Help, Another link. Be careful ;-; Oof, fell for it too, didn't login and I was wondering why. Profesoras, profesores, estudiantes: https:\\\\discord-informations.ru\\nitro. What Is Limit Reservable Bandwidth, and Should You Change It on Windows? Please, could anybody tell me if my account is safe, because I don't want to change my password. But mistakenly clicked on but thanks God the page wasn't loading and it gives error. [https://discord-app.net/steam](https://discord-app.net/steam) is another link to that stuff thankfully i have nitro and watched a video explaining these scams so i knew it was a scam but ppl should beware yk of that stuff, I created a new account that I would trash to log into a scam page and know what it does. That's how I submitted my request The fuckers just took my csgo inv. Phew. sry i am foreigner and not good in english Phishing scams are rife throughout the world of gaming. To avoid being taken in by this scam or similar ones, the first thing you want to do is enable two-factor authentication on your Steam account. NY 10036. They're everywhere. if yes in how many timee ? \["@everyone" [https://discord.com/nitro](https://discord.com/nitro), #Free #Discord #Nitro #AirDrop #Steam #Scam #Troll, AirDropcopyCopy PastaCopy PasteCopy Paste ArchiveCopyPastaDiscordfreeNitroscamSTEAMTroll, [nut jizz lube semen cum](https://paste.ee/p/DZH7G). Get 3 Months of Discord Nitro. Users who enter the Steam credentials in the fake pop-up are met with an error message stating that their account name or password was incorrect when in reality, they were stolen the moment the user pressed Enter. Theres a fresh, active scam circulating in Discord right now that is propagated by either bot accounts or accounts controlled by scammers. Never mind that Steam and Discord are different companies and normally wouldn't be giving away each other's stuff. I am their new target, first my email got hacked than they can log in into my discord account then they send the scam link to my friends, server and random people, someone blocked me because they think I'm a scammer! Just got one today, the message I received came from Discord, and said: 44600, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mxico, Derechos reservados 1997 - 2022. 1. Most fucking obvious scam in history, not going harsh but the site is located in Russia and 7/24 antiviruses found it malicious + the domain was taken just a few weeks ago. You should also consider using one of the best password managers to keep track of all those passwords. Umawing said there are more than 100 of these bogus web addresses waiting to lure in online gamers. Another one, be careful. ps.i got id back already thanks for steam hardwork. https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/p2830f/my\_account\_was\_hijacked\_and\_compromised\_but\_kudos/.

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