nursing pathophysiology of asthma

A Washtenaw Community College program in Ann Arbor, MI has saved about $9 million for students in the last few years. With OER, everyone has a textbook from day one of class because its free and online.. The grant competition will award approximately $2.6 million in federal funds to higher education institutions to create new open textbooks and expand the use of open textbooks. Working in a collaborative team environment, the Library Assistant will contribute to OER initiatives to promote awareness, development, and integration of quality OER across all disciplines at USU. We know that a lot of students are financially constrained and one of the things they cut is textbooks, Pratt said. Funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. How higher ed can save millions, reach more students, Decolonising Open Educational Resources (OER): Why the focus on open and access is not enough for the EdTech revolution. Students saved more than $142,000 during the winter 2022 semester alone. Creating Culturally Responsive Materials with Open Educational Resources: Beyond Commercial Publishing, webinar on April 28th at 3 pm ET. Apply by July 15, 2022, APPLY NOW: Open Oregon Educational Resources seeks an Open Education Instructional Technologist to work remotely to provide technical support services in developing openly licensed course materials. So we have been promoting for a very long time, the adoption of open education resources to increase affordability for our students. Read More >>, FROM COLORADO: University of Colorados (CU) The Office of Academic Affairs and the Open CU Steering Team celebrated the 2022 Open Educational Resources Champion Award. Since 2016, Deltas Open Educational Resources initiative has saved students a total of $1 million in textbook costs. The Press, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, is located on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill. Karin Hooks and Michelle Yuhasz are two of 29 faculty members from 15 colleges and universities across Ohio who will receive grants from the OhioLink Affordable Learning Open Course Redesign Grants program. The resources are in a variety of forms such as courseware, lecture notes, textbooks, videos, maps, podcasts, conference presentations, and journals. OhioLINK estimates that over 4,000 students in Ohio could save as much as $300,000 per year as a result of instructors switching to OER or library materials to teach their classes. Two Wartburg College social work professors have secured grants totaling $5,500 to develop open-resource instructional materials for two undergraduate social work courses. Learn more and register here. To get started click here. Eight professors received the grant who plan to switch to open materials between fall 2022 and fall 2023. Student PIRGs are university-student-run advocacy organizations on college campuses across the United States working to achieve a vision of sustainability, equity, and democracy through their campaigns.The survey is about 20 questions and should take no more than 10-15 minutes. Details on submission requirements, session types, and how to submit a proposal are outlined in the call for proposals. and help the community identify best practices. In past years it has focused on its mission as a system-wide publication outlet, as well as its service to the 16 universities in the system, their faculties and students. Learn more about all of the, , and the 10+ year history of the awards on the, The Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries, a member of the Association of Research Libraries, invites applications and nominations for the position of Head, Digital Libraries and Publishing. Your work breaks down barriers to a world-class education so that all of our students can thrive and succeed. Read More >>. The complete position description is available. The theme announcement was launched in sync with the new. Since 2019, the group has used $100,000 in grant money to save 2,500-plus students more than $150,000. While some switched their traditional course materials out for OER, others made their own open textbooks for their students. The Affordable College Textbook Act (H.R.7040/S.3818) would authorize a federal grant program while strengthening existing textbook information disclosure requirements to better inform faculty and students. Nominate from 16 categories your favorite Open Education leader or resources or nominate your own project. If you republish or reuse this work, we kindly ask that you attribute the OER Digest and provide a link back to Read More >>, FROM NEBRASKA: An OER program at the University of Nebraska Omaha has saved students more than $2 million since it began in the spring of 2019. Learn more and register here. for this years International Open Access Week, which will take place on October 24-30. Tammy Faux, chair of the Department of Social Work, received a $2,500 grant to develop content for an interviewing and assessing course. The conference is hosted by OTESSA, the Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association. Subscribe to get it delivered to your inbox every other Thursday. Created for horticulture students, gardeners, science teachers, and anyone interested in understanding plants and how they grow. The theme announcement was launched in sync with the new OA Week website where you can find all the information on the theme, dates, and more. I did a midterm evaluation with my students to see if it was easy to use or if there were barriers to using the resources, and it was unanimous that they loved it. Read More >>. These are high-quality resources, added Professor of Marketing Denise Ogden. Speakers include Teryk Morris, Machine Tool Technology Instructor at Linn-Benton Community College in Oregon, and Dr. Esperanza Zenon, Associate Professor of Physical Science at River Parishes Community College in Louisiana. Each edition, we highlight an interesting, new, openly-licensed resource. Learn more from their webinar or website. This is a remote position. APPLY NOW: Apply to run a Wikipedia assignment in Fall 2022, and ensure that the world has access to reliable and accurate information. Learn more and register here. REGISTER NOW: LibreFest registration is open and will be held virtually on July 18, 20, and 22, 2022. Open Texas 2022 is being held virtually on September 21-23, 2022. The session will build on what we know about technical accessibility to explore how we can go beyond minimum accessibility requirements. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Pressbooks published a new open resource, Critical Thinking in Academic Research. The book was authored by Portland State Universitys Leanne Serbulo. Tricia Coleman-Waterbury, assistant professor of social work, will use her $3,000 grant to develop resources for an existing open-resource book for an introductory-level social welfare course.I am creating presentations, reading guides, chapter quizzes, exams and other activities for each chapter, which will make it easier for other professors and students to utilize the materials in the future, Coleman-Waterbury said. The grants are anticipated to save students in 11 courses more than $91,000 in textbook costs in just one semester. Their goal is to expand access and resources to students across the state. OEGlobal22: Not in Nantes for OEGlobal22? These are high-quality resources, added Professor of Marketing Denise Ogden. This position will help lead and shape the University Libraries efforts in developing strategies and services that facilitate the discovery, adoption, creation, and adaptation of open educational resources (OER), open textbooks, and affordable content. This four-year award program has allowed OER to save CU students $1 million. During the past few years, many Penn State Lehigh Valley faculty members have made it a priority to incorporate open and affordable educational resources (OAER) into their classroom instruction. Your bi-weekly newsletter for open education updates, opportunities, and reminders, OPEN CONNECTIONS This August 5th workshop will include practice locating and editing OER and is geared toward all world language teachers, so please share with instructors you know who may be interested. BAY VIEW ANALYTICS: Turning Point for Digital Curricula: Educational Resources in U.S. Higher Education, 2022 found that students are returning to the classroom, with 58% of faculty stating they taught at least one face-to-face course in the 2021-22 school year. JOERHE welcomes quantitative and qualitative research articles and discussion pieces concerning OER, Open Access, Open Data, or anything open in higher education. Learn more and apply here. The webinar is free and open to all, and live closed captioning will be provided. A new resource has been published for faculty and staff interested in starting or leading OER efforts at their institutions: . The librarian will collaborate with colleagues in and out of the library to promote open education and affordable course materials. At this 10-year milestone mark, were thrilled with the Librarys success and see it as a reflection of the communitys generosity with their time, expertise, and resources. The library plans to continue to expand their library and help open education become the standard. This event is open to everyone, and the call for proposals will be released soon. The grant competition will award approximately $2.6 million in federal funds to higher education institutions to create new open textbooks and expand the use of open textbooks. IMLSs efforts in OER have been to promote the use of technology and an open environment to enhance the quality and reach of museum, library, and educational resources. 912-478-4636, 11935 Abercorn Street In addition, over half of the faculty stated that they agree or strongly agree that they would like to teach their courses as a combination of in-person and online and also as fully online. Embracing OER Institutionwide | Inside Higher Ed, MIT OpenCourseWare launches NextGen platform | MIT News, Finding the recipe for calculating OER benefits | EdScoop, Expensive Textbooks Are Still A Problem. That commitment was on vivid display at the first-ever Penn State Lehigh Valley Open and Affordable Showcase, a half-day conference sponsored by the campus Library and Academic Affairs. The webinar will be held on July 20, 2022 @ 2:00 PM CDT. Learn more and register. This workshop will provide three days of working sessions covering how to create OER, how to modify existing OER, as well as how to use the new ADAPT homework system. OPEN TEXTBOOK PILOT: The U.S. Congress approved the fiscal year 2022 spending package, which includes $11 million in new funding for the Open Textbook Pilot grant programa significant increase over last year. TEACHING AND LEARNING WITH OER REPORT: Teaching and Learning With Open Educational Resources, conducted by SRI Education, is based on course observations and interviews with faculty members, students and administrators at eight community colleges that use OER. The Department is also calling for Peer Reviewers. | American Bar Association Apply by July 15, 2022, Open Oregon Educational Resources seeks an Open Education Instructional Technologist to work remotely to provide technical support services in developing openly licensed course materials. This resource was created to share the work involved in building and managing an OER program. Statesboro, GA 30458 JOERHE welcomes quantitative and qualitative research articles and discussion pieces concerning OER, Open Access, Open Data, or anything open in higher education. Will Higher Quality OER Help? More resources will be posted soon on SPARCs policy page. NOMINATE NOW: Open Education Awards for Excellence 2022 is open for nominations. The Digital Higher Education Consortium of Texas (DigiTex), Texas Digital Library (TDL), and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) are now. The report also finds that awareness and usage of open educational resources (OER) has grown. Read More >>, FROM TENNESSEE: A group of Middle Tennessee State University faculty and staff are using an OER grant to save students on textbooks costs. Applications are due July 25, 2022, and the Department of Education will hold, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is, Scholarly Communications Librarian who will work collaboratively across Library & Information Services (LIS). The report describes six principles to help define efforts to identify savings and returns from OER investments and offers two frameworks for making those calculations. This years focus on Climate Justice seeks to encourage connection and collaboration among the climate movement and the international open community. #OPENED22 SAVE THE DATE: The Open Education Conference is excited to announce that #OpenEd22 will be held as a virtual event on October 17-20, 2022. The deadline to complete the application form is May 6th at 11:59pm PDT. They often dont realize they need a textbook until its too late. Robin and Rajiv will explore how Open Education can shape a hopeful and humane vision for the future of higher education. Learn more and apply. Cant make the date? These projects include: mentorship and training for five California community colleges in their zero-textbook-cost degree program; training 15 California Community College educators, librarians and course designers from across the Bay Area on copyright, open licensing and open practices in a week-long CC bootcamp; and conducting an analysis of how digital courseware and textbook publishers collect student data and create resources help the higher education community protect students data privacy. This is part of a university-wide effort to lower the cost of textbook prices. The deadline to apply is June 22, 2022. Learn more here. is open. The Department of Nursing was honored as the team that had the highest impact with its OER improvements. It includes learning about open educational practices and asking team members to collect and report data on your programs outcomes. REGISTER NOW: BCcampus in British Columbia is holding a webinar on accessibility and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in open educational resources on August 16, 2022. Pathways Project Publishes New Open Educational Resource, is now open. . Subscribe here. REGISTER NOW: Join the Southern Regional Education Board for their upcoming webinar series on Open Educational Resources. Interview with Dr. Elizabeth Spica. The librarian will collaborate with colleagues in and out of the library to promote open education and affordable course materials. The keynote panel on Thursday, Aug. 4th will focus on the often too neglected non-financial benefits of OER for the community. During the COVID-19 pandemic two University of Saskatchewan (USask) faculty members found a way to make the most of a worldwide pivot toward online learning. The deadline to, : Join Open Education instructors and advocates Robin DeRosa and Rajiv Jhangiani for an open discussion via Zoom on Frameworks for Going Open. Your work breaks down barriers to a world-class education so that all of our students can thrive and succeed.. NOMINATE NOW: The Open Education Awards for Excellence 2022 is open for nominations. Learn more and apply here. The deadline to submit is May 27, 2022. This brings the total amount secured for this program to $35 million over the last five years and marks a significant increase in annual funding over last years $7 million. REGISTER NOW: The Digital Higher Education Consortium of Texas invites you to their webinar, In Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Inclusive Access But Were Afraid to Ask, Trudi Radtke, Open Education Project Manager for SPARC, will address challenges, facts, and myths of Inclusive Access programs. At this 10-year milestone mark, were thrilled with the Librarys success and see it as a reflection of the communitys generosity with their time, expertise, and resources. The library plans to continue to expand their library and help open education become the standard. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: The Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education (JOERHE), a new scholarly open peer-reviewed journal, is looking for submissions. APPLY NOW: Temple University is accepting applicants for Assistant Director of Open Publishing Initiatives and Scholarly Communications. The grants are anticipated to save students in 11 courses more than $91,000 in textbook costs in just one semester. Open to change? The textbook is an approachable guide to the fundamentals of plant science. Proposals must be submitted via Cvent. Doi and Rubin had sought help from Shannon Lucky, a information technology librarian at USask. CALL FOR PROPOSALS: The call for proposals for Open Texas 2022 is open, and the deadline has been extended to June 17, 2022. For more details and to register, see the event flyer, : Join the Southern Regional Education Board for their upcoming webinar series on Open Educational Resources. The foundation is accepting OER grant LOIs aligning with their focus areas from May 17 June 1st. Have suggestions for the next edition? are university-student-run advocacy organizations on college campuses across the United States working to achieve a vision of sustainability, equity, and democracy through their campaigns.The survey is about 20 questions and should take no more than 10-15 minutes. | EdSurge, Michael Basmajian (PIRG) | Volume 150 | April 7, 2022, 10 YEARS OF OPENSTAX: OpenStax, Rice Universitys educational technology initiative celebrates ten years of publishing free, open textbooks by releasing ten new titles this year. Since 2016, Deltas Open Educational Resources initiative has saved students a total of $1 million in textbook costs. We know that a lot of students are financially constrained and one of the things they cut is textbooks, Pratt said. Learn more and register here. REGISTER NOW: The Digital Higher Education Consortium of Texas is hosting a webinar, Supporting Equitable Access to Career & Technical Education through OER, on April 21, 2022 @ 2:00 PM CDT. We strongly encourage anyone interested in the program to apply. 2022-2023 cohort are now open. These anatomical illustrations are an open resource created by Biological and Pre-Medical Illustration (BPMI) students. The grant competition will award approximately $2.6 million in federal funds to higher education institutions to create new open textbooks and expand the use of open textbooks. It includes learning about open educational practices and asking team members to collect and report data on your programs outcomes. Eight professors received the grant who plan to switch to open materials between fall 2022 and fall 2023. David Ernst, the founder of the Open Textbook library shares. This textbook invites readers to explore how individuals and communities use dress as a way to communicate their various identities, with heightened attention to social justice, power, privilege, and oppression. Momentum Grows For Open Educational Resources | Southern Regional Education Board Savannah, GA 31419 Turning Point for Digital Curricula: Educational Resources in U.S. Higher Education, 2022. found that students are returning to the classroom, with 58% of faculty stating they taught at least one face-to-face course in the 2021-22 school year. 912-877-1906, Accreditation / Sitemap / Privacy / Ethics Hotline / Open Records / Human Trafficking Notice / Equal Opportunity & Title IX / University System of Georgia, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies. The activities in this cookbook draw on research and good practice in online course design to provide recipes concise and specific instructions and examples for adding asynchronous activities to a course. Nominate from 16 categories your favorite Open Education leader or resources. RSVP has been extended to June 20th, and professional development credit is available. Jacob Moore, an engineering professor at Penn State Mont Alto, published a new open resource. Read More >>, FROM WASHINGTON D.C: George Washington Libraries awarded grants to faculty who will replace required traditional course materials with free, open resources. written by Tom Michaels, Emily Hoover, and Laura Irish. The savings for students continues to grow, says Sara Volmering, marketing manager for University Libraries. The Iowa State University Library released a new set of open illustrations for biology labs titled. This text provides guidance on developing research questions and finding resources to answer them. Applications are due July 25, 2022. Please complete this survey by July 22nd. Lucky realized that despite the differences in their disciplines, both were approaching their new teaching challenges in very similar ways. Interview with Dr. Elizabeth Spica | The award cele, brates educators across the four CU campuses who contribute to the open education movement. This event is open to everyone, and the call for proposals will be released soon. The report also finds that awareness and usage of open educational resources (OER) has grown. Learn more and apply here. While some switched their traditional course materials out for OER, others made their own open textbooks for their students. This annual event is held each spring featuring posters, oral presentations and creative inquiry in all disciplines. Application deadline: August 5, 2022. Read More >>. They Say Its No Big Deal | EdSurge, Aishah Abdullah (SPARC) | Volume 156 | June 30, 2022. The Library visibly demonstrates our commitment to a more equitable higher education system. Learn more and register, The peer-reviewed Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy has put out a. for its winter 2022 OER-themed issue. This is a relatively new and fast-growing movement within academia, said Reference and Instruction Librarian Elizabeth Nelson, who coordinated the event with Head Librarian Jennifer Jarson. The activities in this cookbook draw on research and good practice in online course design to provide recipes concise and specific instructions and examples for adding asynchronous activities to a course. The deadline for submissions is May 15th. This bill also includes new requirements to disclose how publishers intend to collect and use student data. The Mechanics Map is an open textbook for engineering statics and dynamics containing written explanations, video lectures, worked examples, and homework problems. Their goal is to expand access and resources to students across the state. For more details and to register, see the event flyer here. The Cal OER Organizing Committee invites you to save the date for the second annual. More resources will be posted soon on, Utah State University (USU) Libraries seeks an Assistant to support the Open Educational Resources (OER) Program. Tackling the climate crisis requires the rapid exchange of knowledge across geographic, economic, and disciplinary boundaries. These four individuals have collectively saved students thousands of dollars. REGISTER NOW: Interested in designing OER with sustainability in mind to facilitate future reuse and adaptation? FROM MICHIGAN: A Washtenaw Community College program in Ann Arbor, MI has saved about $9 million for students in the last few years. The program is intensive professional development designed to empower academic professionals with the knowledge, skills, and connections to lead successful open education initiatives that benefit students. The recipients of this award have contributed to the expansion of OER in different ways. To get started click. Open-Source Law Textbooks: The Answer to the Book Buying Burden? The webinar is free and open to all, and live closed captioning will be provided. Learn more. They will compile the results and share them with the community before the next school year. David Ernst, the founder of the Open Textbook library shares, The Library visibly demonstrates our commitment to a more equitable higher education system. Learn more from, The Open Education Group is seeking applications for the next cohort of OER Research Fellows! The program has been applied to 47 of the colleges courses since fall 2017.I have to work to pay my school, so for me it was a very good help at that time, said Ana Andrade, a nursing student who has been at WCC since 2018. , Rice Universitys educational technology initiative celebrates ten years of publishing free, open textbooks by releasing ten new titles this year. WEIGH IN Proposals must be submitted via, . Join the Education & Behavioral Science (EBSS) Scholarly Communication Committee on July 27th to watch & discuss, Boundary Spanners: Bridging Gaps Between Higher Education & PK12, The University Libraries at Virginia Tech Residency Program is offering up to six entry-level resident librarian positions to recent graduates of a masters degree program or entry-level library, data, or information professionals. Join the Community College Consortium for OER (CCCOER) for a Sustainable OER Course Design webinar on April 13th at 3pm ET! where you can find all the information on the theme, dates, and more. BENEFITS AND COSTS OF OER REPORT: Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC) released a new report entitled Toward Convergence: Creating Clarity to Drive More Consistency in Understanding the Benefits and Costs of OER. At the end of February, OpenStax released. The book was written thanks to support from the, University Libraries Open Education Initiative. Submissions can include projects and publications by library workers or researchers in related fields who shed light on important elements of serving graduate students. . A particular focus was placed on historically marginalized student populations served by community colleges nationwide. is part of a series of projects designed to increase access, affordability and equity using OER and produced by National Consortium for Open Educational Resources (NCOER) which is a partnership between the regional compacts including MHEC, the New England Board of Higher Education, the Southern Regional Education Board, and the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. An online bachelors degree program at Penn State has adopted free, open-source materials for its courses to help students save on their college costs.The bachelor of science in agribusiness management is the first degree program offered online at Penn State to exclusively use OER, in its core courses. They often dont realize they need a textbook until its too late. George Washington Libraries awarded grants to faculty who will replace required traditional course materials with free, open resources. According to the Commission, the OER repository was established as part of efforts to revitalize the academic content of the nations Universities as well as improve the quality of teaching and learning. In the last few years, many colleges and universities have established grant funding for Open Textbooks, but little research has been done on the collective impact of these programs. Learn more and register, . There will be keynote presentations from internationally recognized professional/technical colleges as well as breakout sessions on finding OER, accessibility in OER, open licenses, as well as panels on prof/tech OER opportunities and challenges, and a panel on OER and librarians. Four Penn State campuses have awarded faculty members the Open and Affordable Educational Resources (OAER) award for the spring 2022 semester. Open educational resources help students save money | The Connection, Students Opinions of Professors Lean Positive | Inside Higher Ed, University faculty want more time to evaluate edtech, poll finds | EdScoop, Michael Basmajian (PIRG) | Volume 153 | May 19, 2022. This position will help lead and shape the University Libraries efforts in developing strategies and services that facilitate the discovery, adoption, creation, and adaptation of open educational resources (OER), open textbooks, and affordable content. The OAER award recognizes faculty who go above and beyond in promoting OER.

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nursing pathophysiology of asthma