maximum daily dose calculation fda

Thosefrom other races vary accordingly, such that 23a tiefling descended from a halfling wouldbe considerably shorter and lighter, whileone descended from an ogre would be alot bigger.Random Height and WeightGender Base Height Height ModifierMaleFemale 4 ft. 10 in. No other terms or conditions may be if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cureapplied to any Open Game Content distributed using such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of thethis License. Thus a tiefling descended Additional languages equal to yourfrom a barbarzu (bearded devil), for example, Intelligence modifier (if its positive).might have a bone-growth resembling a Choose from Abyssal, Celestial,beard and red scales, while an unfortunate Daemonic, Draconic, Infernal and anydescendant of a lemure might have a face other languages to which you havethat resembles molten skin. Ifyou would automatically become trained inone of those skills (from your backgroundor class, for example), you instead becometrained in a skill of your choice.SUPREME SORCERY FEAT 1 TIEFLINGMagic burns within you. 4 ft. 5 in. Similarly, a creature who attempts to affect claw (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6 slashing plus the target with an auditory effect must succeed at a DC 5 1d6 evil; Melee [one-act stinger (reach 15 feet), Damage flat check or the attempt fails. Aasimar age at the same pace as their parents race, so an aasimar born to humanOTHERS PROBABLY parents reaches the age of physical maturity around the age of 15, though sometimes Think that youre some sort of angel. Ignore your armors check penaltySaving Throw Reflex; Duration 1 minute and Speed reduction.Calling out to the skies, you summon a bolt of lightning 30 temporary Hit strike through a foe above you and down into your Darkvision.weapon or your body, charging it with electrical power. When youDISPERSING BULLET ITEM 6 activate this talisman, you attempt to Recall Knowledge glossary about the creature you hit. ConstitutionPHYSICAL DESCRIPTION LanguagesWhere most other races have some constant Commonthat defines them, the tieflings are an Either Abyssal, Daemonic, or Infernalextremely varied bunch, as varied as theirfiendish ancestors. +2d10 in. None of the following featuresgrant characters any special power in excess of their usual abilities. These add an extra die to anyunarmed damage rolls that you make.INTIMIDATING PRESENCE FEAT 128 TIEFLINGYou know that your fiendish presence isunsettling to others and you use that to youradvantage. AMMUNITION CONSUMABLE EVOCATION MAGICAL GHOSTLY PORTAL PAINT ITEM 9Price 50 gpAmmunition sling bullet UNCOMMON CONSUMABLE MAGICAL OIL TRANSMUTATIONActivate [one-act InteractThe metals used to forge this lead Price 120 gpshot were taken from a variety Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk Lof continents and barelystay together. Your battle form isDRAW THE LIGHTNING Gargantuan, and you must have enough space to expand SPELL 4 into or the spell is lost. For example, if you castsearing light in an area of darkness, then a30-foot radius around you counts as dimlight for the following round.FIEND SLAYER FEAT 5 AASIMARWithin you beats the heart of an avenger,you are an enemy of all that is wrongwith the multiverse. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to2. Some aasimar have a unique their general ability to plan ahead, many eye or skin color, vestigial wings, or even a aasimar become leaders within their visible halo. They are extremely thin, with sallow skin and milky white, dead, eyes. CELESTIAL LAMP ITEM 2 DIVINE GOOD Price 300 gp Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L Activation Interact This polished lantern contains a continual flame and sheds light as a common lamp. In particular, godsthat espouse a forgiving dogma or whichteach redemption and betterment throughtrials of life have a great following amongtiefling believers. bludgeoning plus 1d6 evil and 1d6 poison. You gain the trained proficiencyrank in Arcana or Occultism, and Stealth. piercing plus 1d6 evil. These trademarks and copyrighted works are used under the Pathfinder Second Edition Compatibility License. Some engage in Aaidyn, Abi, Adonis, Adriel, Arthur, Breanna,ancestor worship, praying to their celestial Caden, Caleb, Candace, Celeste, Chriss,forebear, though these aasimar are rare. You can take tiefling racial feats, and you gain the tiefling trait, in addition to the aasimar and humanoid traits. When you activate this talisman, of CONSUMABLE MAGICAL TALISMAN TRANSMUTATION until the end of the current turn, the affixed weapon gains the thrown 20 feet weapon trait, and when you MagicUsage affixed to a weapon; Bulk make a thrown Strike with it, it flies back to your handActivate [free-ac envision; Trigger Your Strike with the affixed after the Strike completes. An incorporeal creatureActivate [one-act Interact; Requirements Youre an expert with thats inside the wall when the paint is used is shuntedthe affixed weapon. Your tails is inthe brawling group and has the finesse andunarmed traits.THE COMING DARKNESS FEAT 5 TIEFLINGPrerequisites at least one arcane innate spellWhenever you cast a spell with the darknesstrait the spell is automatically heightened(+1). Instead your have two small cones on the side0708 of your head that serve the same function. This grants fire resistanceequal to half your level (minimum 1), and yougain horns. Even the pitborn themselves vary daily between 1 and 2 inches in height and up to 5 pounds gained or lost. For most of them, due to their obvious celestial nature, these names tendAasimar are idealistic creatures, believing to carry some form of positive meaning,in the good in all beings. While they have the free will andfreedom of choice of most mortal creatures,their fiendish blood draws forth their darkesttendencies. Unlike normal darkvision you can stillsee colors, rather than being limited to blackand white.5TH LEVELANGELIC MAGIC FEAT 5 AASIMARPrerequisites at least one divine innate spell Your connection to your ancestors and the12 wellspring of magic grows stronger, and you gain the ability to cast searing light once per day.SHIELD EXEMPLAR FEAT 5 AASIMARPrerequisites Armored MightBy now youve become a staunch defender,and you are a formidable obstacle foropponents to overcome, thanks to thestrong connections with your celestialancestors. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. Your laughter is extremely deep and ominous.4546 When you talk, people can hear crackling fires in the background.4748 Your skin feels like sandpaper due to the tiny scales that cover your body.4950 Your tail is barbed.5152 Your tail ends in a vestigial stinger.5354 You smell of sulphur when you sweat.5556 When walking barefoot, part of your footprint always resembles a goats hoof. Dann, Darien, Diana, Edden, Eleanor, Evann, Gabriel, Gaige, Galen, Maol, Rae, Sade, Truth, VerityAASIMAR ADVENTURERSAasimar adventure to help others,questing to rescue those in distress andfinding lost treasure or rediscoveringforgotten ruins in the process. These two access (such as the languages prevalenttieflings, while both descended from devils in your region).native to Hell are clearly distinct from oneanother, and would bear no similarity to the Traitsotherworldly beauty of a tiefling descendedfrom a succubus. Tieflings see themselves as the victim of some cosmic joke or cruel prank. The cantrip is heightenedto a spell level equal to half your level,rounded up.FIENDISH RESISTANCE FEAT 1 TIEFLINGYou have a remarkable adaptation to hotenvironments from ancestors who inhabitedthe outer planes. Like this book? You gain a +1 circumstance bonusto all saving throws against spells or effectswith the mental trait. Roll a d100 and consult thetable to determine your fiendish features, or choose one or more features that interest you. Compatibility with Pathfinder Second Edition requires Pathfinder Second Edition from Paizo Inc. See to learn more about Pathfinder. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. creatures and objects to pass through it. The words you are searching are inside this book. +2d8 in.of the same build due to hollow, but strong 5 ft. 0 in. You losethe bonuses from the shield until the end ofyour next turn and cannot use the Raise aShield action until the end of your next turn.PIERCE THE DARKNESS FEAT 1 AASIMARNot all aasimar have the ability to see in thedark, but you have inherited this ability fromyour ancestors. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy ofexcludes the Open Game Content; (f) Trademark this License with every copy of the Open Game Contentmeans the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs You Distribute.that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or itsproducts or the associated products contributed to 11. they are stunned for one a minimum of 1. Youve inherited some of theears. Choose from Abyssal, Draconic, Elven, Infernal, and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region). The License: This License applies to any Open Game comply with any of the terms of this License with respectContent that contains a notice indicating that the Open to some or all of the Open Game Content due toGame Content may only be Used under and in terms of statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation thenthis License. Onceper day, when reduced to 0 hp (ignoring anyfurther damage), you immediately stabilizeand youre healed for 1d8 + your Constitutionmodifier Hit Points, as if you were the recipientof a heal spell.RIVER OF SOULS FEAT 13TIEFLINGYour very presence weakens the borders 31between the planes, and makes it easier forsouls to pass on to the afterlife. Open Game License v 1.0a 2000, Wizards of the5. On a success, Price 25 gp Spellsrather than the normal Grapple effects, the coil instead Usage affixed to a weapon; Bulk wraps itself around the target with one end Activate [free-ac envision; Trigger You Magic Itemsremaining attached to your weapon. You dont have any external ears. You gain score a critical hit with a Melee Strike againsta +1 circumstance bonus to Nature checks creatures with the evil and outsider traits,when using the Command An Animal action. They do tend to become something of social chameleons as they have no people to call their own, and often find their homes among other races.6Most aasimar see themselves as a hybrid Hit Pointsbetween their humanoid (usually human)heritage and that of their angelic ancestors. Treat all spells from the arcane list withthat school as heightened (+1). This instability and chaos is inherent in the pitborn, coming from yourdemonic ancestors. Church music always relaxes you.2930 On your shoulder blades are 2 bright birthmarks, in the shape of wings.3132 You have an affinity for fire, and when storytelling the closest fire seems to come alive with figures to match your tale.16 3334 When you sing, birds sing along with you.3536 You speak with authority, and your voice is a strong, deep bass that resonates in peoples hearts when they hear it.3738 Whenever you brandish your weapon, a short-lived aura of illusory fire surrounds 173940 the weapon.4142 Your ears are long and taper to a point like an elfs, though they are not quite4344 as long.45464748 Your hair is the color of lustrous bronze.49505152 Your skin resembles chrome or mercury.53545556 Youre extremely well-proportioned, drawing attention from others easily.5758 Your eyes glow softly white in the dark. Your face is perfectly symmetrical, as if you were a sculpture. When an Activate [three-a Interactactivated dispersing bullet Translucent and nearly weightless, thishits a target, the bullet opalescent paint seems to resolve into occultscatters into a sphere of metal shards as symbols if stared at too long. Creatures in If draw the lightning is cast outside under a cloudy or Secretsthe area take 10d6 negative damage and 10d6 alignment stormy sky, increase the bolts damage by 2d12.damage (good, evil, lawful, or chaotic), chosen from among Heightened (8th) The damage dealt to the initial target ofthe alignments your deity has. The back of your arms are covered in vulture feathers.8384 Two scaly protrusions rise up from your shoulders.8586 You have the legs of a goat.8788 Your fingertips are not covered in scales, unlike the rest of you.8990 Bone growths rise from your cheeks to your eyebrows, forminga visor of bone.9192 Shadows seem to follow you wherever you go, and you always find yourself9394 standing in shadow.9596 You have a disconcerting habit of sticking your hands directly into fire, and they seldom get burnt. of naming themselves, as they take the names of the culture or society in which theyALIGNMENT & RELIGION are raised. This grants you acidyou get a +1 circumstance bonus when using resistance equal to half your level (minimumthe Escape action. They gain a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for the following round.ORATORY OF SOULS FEAT 9TIEFLINGPrerequisites Intimidating PresenceYouve learned to project the power of yourconvictions onto others. You always keep a coolhead, calmly assessing a situation, beforeunleashing a storm of violence. You carry thesetraits deep within you. Regardless of the situation, you always hold your head high and walk with pride. Theyre the combination of regular humanoids, usually humans, and fiendish creatures who at some point left their mark on mortal life, either through corruption or direct procreation. For example, if youd get stunned 2 from a spell, you only get stunned 1, or if suffer an effect with a duration of 1d6 rounds, it would now be 1d61. Lawbringer (Archon Heritage)Idylkin (Agathion Heritage) Archons are paragons of law and good, theyAgathions are animal-like celestials, and you are the enemies of all evil, fighting on the10 carry the physical marks of that heritage in front lines against the forces of evil outsiders the form of markings, light fur, or feathered in particular. If you roll a critical failure,AMMUNITION CONSUMABLE EVOCATION MAGICAL you get a failure instead. +(2d8x5 lbs. The owner of any Product IdentityIdentity means product and product line names, logos used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, titleand identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; and interest in and to that Product Identity.creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematicelements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, 8. purely auditory Perception checks, and must succeed at Osyluth Speed 35 feet, fly 30 feet; Melee [one-act jaws, a DC 5 flat check to use auditory abilities or verbal spell Damage 2d10+10 piercing plus 1d6 evil; Melee [one-act components. If you roll a success on asaving throw against a mental effect, you geta critical success instead.SPIRIT OF THE POET FEAT 5 AASIMARYoure able to see the good in most people,and you unconsciously show that appreciationfor them. You cant see through it, but it watches everyone. Unlimitedcreature and cause it to take a 1 status penalty to attack20184822 rolls against creatures other than you. Most tieflings Darkvisionare born to humans, as the short-lived racetends to take shortcuts that longer-lived (or You can see in darkness and dim lightwiser) races would avoid. Yougain a +1 circumstance bonus to all savingthrows against spells and effects with theincapacitation or mental traits. If they fail the saving throw, the spelltakes effect as normal, but a successful savingthrow does not let the target know that theyhave been subjected to a spell.THE DARK DEPTHS FEAT 9TIEFLINGPrerequisites at least one innate arcane spellOver time, your connection to the LowerPlanes has grown, as has your magical power.You gain the ability to cast chilling darknessonce per day as an innate arcane spell.13TH LEVELLIFE HOLDER FEAT 13TIEFLINGYour grasp on life means that you are veryhard to kill, refusing to let your spirit pass intothe Lower Planes.Life HolderTrigger whenever you fall to 0 hpYou will your body to start knitting itselftogether, as you take a deadly wound. +(2d8x5 lbs. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level, rounded up.Muse-touched CELESTIAL RESISTANCE FEAT 1(Azata Heritage) AASIMARAzatas are the free spirits of the good-alignedoutsiders, roaming at will, and doing good You have a remarkable adaptation to hostile 11wherever the winds take them. All creatures in a 10-foot emanation around of wall ghostly and incorporeal to athe target of the attack (and not including the target) depth of 10 feet, allowing corporealmust succeed at a DC 21 Fortitude save or be pushed 10 creatures and objects to passfeet from the target (15 feet on a critical failure). Tieflings have no particularinclinations towards law or chaos, in general,but the legacy of their ancestors influencesthem. If a smokestick is added to the incense in the censer while it burns, creatures with the evil trait are dazzled for as long as they remain within the area of the resulting smoke. Chosen names tend to beguttural with plenty of hissing, an ironic nodto their dark ancestry, which some tieflingscannot resist.Sample NamesAllizah, Baru, Dellisar, Endie, Gorgron,Hessh, Indranna, Kasidra, Maldrek,Maris, Mellisan, Molos, Mordren,Nisha, Nokven, Sarvin, Shoremoth,Sushvenneh, Temerith, Voren, Zoren.TIEFLING ADVENTURERS Tieflings adventure for power and the opportunity to further themselves, and for a rare few, to experience companionship amongst those that accept them for who they are on the inside, rather than their fiendish exterior. the affixed weapon. You agree not to indicategame mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademarkprocesses and routines to the extent such content does or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a worknot embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement containing Open Game Content except as expresslyover the prior art and any additional content clearly licensed in another, independent Agreement with theidentified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. 90 lbs. 3536The following text is the property of Wizards of the 6. Duration 1 minute & IndexFailure The target takes full damage and the penalty. While they are certainly inclined towards that behavior, courtesy of their bloodline, they are not all good, nor are they all benevolent. The targetbecomes sickened 1 unless it succeeds on aDC 10 + your level Fortitude save. These social organizations are run and ruled by tieflings whose forebears leaned towards lawful behaviour. Your attack modifier is +34,lightning descends from a storm cloud in the air above your and you use the listed damage. When an Translucent and nearly weightless, thisactivated dispersing bullet opalescent paint seems to resolve into occulthits a target, the bullet symbols if stared at too long. Dave Arneson. SpeedOTHERS PROBABLY 25 feet Think that youre some sort of fiend or Ability Boosts fiend-spawn. The contrails6566 dissipate in seconds. )elves or humans. As a tiefling, you select from amongthe following ancestry feats.1ST LEVELBLOOD OF THE RISING FEAT 1 TIEFLINGYour ancestors eventually overcame the lureof evil, which has partially cleansed yourbloodline. You have half again as many teeth as a normal human.0910 Your head has several pronounced bony ridges under the skin.1112 You have vestigial wings on your back, that resemble bat wings.13141516 Your tongue is forked, causing you to hiss a lot.1718 You have no lips and spittle constantly dribbles down your face.19202122 You have a third eye in the middle of your forehead. breach. As such you gain a+1 circumstance bonus to damage withweapons and spells against creatures withthe fiend traits. Drawing upon the deepest wells of magic in an elementalCritical Failure The target takes double damage, and the plane, you transform into a spectacular elemental. Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Inc. Pathfinder Second Edition and the Pathfinder Second Edition Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Inc. Theyre often bullied as children because they look funny, which can turn into fear and resentment as the tiefling grows older. EVOCATION SONICYou cant cast this spell if you dont have a deity. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. +(2d10x5 lbs. A mohawk of bone growths covers your head instead.79808182 Your eyes are the color of embers, flaring into bright flames when you get emotional. When the sun is up, your hair is the color of gold, but when it goes down, it turns silver. Like your environments from ancestors who inhabitedancestors, youre difficult to tie down, and the outer planes. +2d8 in.bones, though this can vary as aasimardescended from gnomes or halflings stand Base Weight Weight Modifiermuch shorter than those descended from 110 lbs. d10, range increment 100 feet, volley), Damage 1d8 The target is flat-footed, takes a 2 status penalty to piercing plus 1d6 evil and 1d6 fire. When you make aDiplomacy check to make an impression, you Furthermore, you can use it on unfriendlyimprove the degree of success by one step (though not hostile) animals.when dealing with good-aligned creatures. This increasesto 2d6 fire damage on a critical success.SPIKED TAIL FEAT 5 TIEFLINGWith time, youve grown a spiked tail, andit has become a formidable weapon in yourarsenal. The coil breaks if you expert in Arcana, Occult, Nature, Magic Itemsmove any further away from Religion, Society, or a Lore skill.the bound opponent, but not if This dried eye was plucked fromyou move any closer. The portal persists forDRAGONBONE ARROWHEAD ITEM 4 10 minutes. a magical creature. 173, The words you are searching are inside this book. Your touch causes plants and flowers to die, though living creatures are unaffected.6970 Your heart beats at double the speed of a humans.7172 Youre able to rotate your head around like an owl.73747576 Your body is covered in runes and tattoos. You combineyou move any closer. fire elemental, or water elemental. your observation about your enemys glossaryType binding coil; Level 6; Price 50 gp & IndexType greater binding coil; Level 13; Price reaction to your Strike with the stores of 450 gp magical wisdom within the talisman to try to gleanThe escape DC is 30. more information about the foes true nature. This Traditions arcane, divine, occultspell gains the trait corresponding to the alignment Cast [two-act somatic, verbal Essentialsdamage dealt. Thesethat give you the paralyzed, petrified, or are not strong enough to allow you to fly, butstunned conditions are reduced by 1, down you can use them to, as a reaction, cause a strong wind in your square. 9798 You appear to be androgynous.18 9900 Dogs follow you everywhere, as if they were attracted to you.Aasimars have access to the following equipment.AMBROSIA ITEM 1+CONSUMABLE DIVINE ELIXIR GOODUsage held in 1 hand; Bulk LActivation InteractUpon consumption, this heavenly elixir, brewed from holy water and blessed herbs, you gainan item bonus to saving throws against negative energy, drained, and death effects for 1 hour.Ambrosia can otherwise be used as holy water.Type lesser; Level 1; Price 3 gpYou gain a +2 item bonus.Type moderate; Level 6; Price 35 gpYou gain a +3 item bonus.Type greater; Level 10; Price 160 gpYou gain a +4 item bonus.Type major; Level 14; Price 675 gpYou gain a +4 item bonus and the duration increases by 1 hour.ANOINTING OIL ITEM 1CONSUMABLE DIVINE GOODPrice 25 gpUsage held in 1 hand; Bulk LActivation InteractThis sacred oil, infused with aromatic spices and distilled holy water, may be applied to acreature while casting a harmless divine spell with a range of touch, increasing the casting timeto a full-round action but the spell is also heightened (+1).CELESTIAL CENSURE ITEM 1 19DIVINE GOODPrice 50 gpUsage held in 1 hand; Bulk LActivation Interact This blessed thurible holds up to 10 pieces of incense, and burns at a rate of 1 stick per hour. Chaotic tieflings tend to create murderous cults with other evil tieflings, while those who lean towards good join or incite rebellions against24 oppressive regimes.ALIGNMENT & RELIGION 25Tieflings, by their very nature, tend towardevil. Tieflings are more common in societies who tend towards evil, as fiendish creatures are more tolerated there. Choose one cantrip from the arcanespell list. 1ST LEVEL BLOOD OF THE FALLEN FEAT 1 AASIMAR An ancestor of yours fell to the lure of evil eons ago, which has partially corrupted your bloodline. Theyre not the same as their fiendish ancestors and they retain the ability of most mortals to shape their own destiny, though many succumb to the lure of darkness. Success The duration is 1 round. Only rarely do these reminders societies, working as civic leaders, sheriffs, of their celestial ancestors detract from the and champions of a cause. You gain a +1 circumstance bonusto Diplomacy checks against intelligentgood-aligned creatures, as long as you sharea language. You are much warmer to the touch than normal.8586 You are much colder to the touch than normal.87888990 No matter the circumstances, your skin and hair is always clean, though this doesnt extend to your clothing. Definitions: (a)Contributors means the copyright and/ any Open Game Content You are copying, modifyingor trademark owners who have contributed Open Game or distributing, and You must add the title, theContent; (b)Derivative Material means copyrighted copyright date, and the copyright holders name tomaterial including derivative works and translations the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game(including into other computer languages), potation, Content you Distribute.modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade,improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in 7.

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maximum daily dose calculation fda