Toquicklywrapacodeblockinusefulconstructs,selectitintheeditorandpressCtrl+Alt+T(Code|SurroundWith). We pick files by exploring the Project view on the left. Use Ctrl for selecting multiple areas, and drag the mouse to select adjacent entries. Tosplitchangesmadetothesamefilebetweendifferentcommits,intheCommittoolwindowAlt+0clickDiff. Starttypingamethoddeclaration,amethodcallorastatementsuchasif,do-while,try-catch,orreturn. Is it patent infringement to produce patented goods but take no compensation? There is no menu item for this shortcut. Ifyourprojectisunderversioncontrol,youcanbuildaUMLdiagramthatreflectsyourlocalchangesandvisualizesrelationshipsbetweenthemodifiedcomponents. YoucancopytextfromtheeditorasrichtexttopasteitintoanyothereditorthatrecognizesRTF. Juststarttypingthewould-benameofamethod,forexample,gntogenerategetName()orcttoimplementcompareTo(). Go to system preferences -> keyboard -> input source . Announcing the Stacks Editor Beta release! From now on, we'll list the keyboard shortcuts in parentheses directly behind the menu item name. WelcometoIntelliJIDEA2021.2 YoucangetfamiliarwiththemainfeaturesoftheIDEbyfollowingthesetips. Acustomdictionaryisa.dictextfilecontainingeachwordonanewline. In addition to the simple wildcards, camel humps and package prefix supported in any IDE, IntelliJ IDEAs Go to a class action provides middle name matching, line number postfix, quick documentation and definition popups: By default, the action looks for the best matches in your project; if no matches are found, it looks at project libraries. PressEscapetoremovehighlighting. IntellIJ IDEA provides very handy tools for that. Some people may argue that they also need to see the project tree, to understand the context theyre in, or to have a chance to quickly change it. Forexample,toeditaregularexpression,starttypingit,pressAlt+EnterandchooseEditRegExpFragment. Toenableread-onlymodeforaconnection,clickFile|DatasourcesandselectthenecessarydatasourceintheDataSourceslist. Why do colder climates have more rugged coasts? Youcancustomizenameprefixesforlocalvariables,parameters,instanceandstaticfieldsintheSettings/PreferencesdialogCtrl+Alt+SunderCodeStyle. Forexample,type Strings=( andpressCtrl+Shift+Spacetoseewhathappens. Weve just learned the ways to navigate over the hierarchy of your method definitions. By pressing the corresponding shortcut, the tool window gets visible and takes the focus. Whenyoucreateadatasource,aqueryconsoleiscreatedautomatically. Toavoidaccidentallyremovingbreakpoints,youcanchoosetoremovethembydraggingthemfromthegutter. PressCtrl+Alt+Up/Ctrl+Alt+Downtojumpbetweenerrormessagesorsearchresults. The tool window youre switching from preserves its visibility state in this case. BasiccodecompletionCtrl+SpaceisavailableinthesearchfieldwhenyousearchfortextinthecurrentfileCtrl+F,sothereisnoneedtotypetheentirestring. Toquicklycompleteamethodcallofastaticmethodlocatedanywhereinyourproject,alibraryoraJDK,enteraprefixandpressCtrl+Spacetwice. 464), How APIs can take the pain out of legacy system headaches (Ep. ToquicklyaddcodecellsinJupyternotebooks,pressShift+Alt+Atoinsertanewcellabovethecurrentlyselectedcell,orShift+Alt+Btocreateanewcellbelowtheselectedcell. This action may help you figure out which of the classes you may want to navigate to. Tosortalphabetically,selecttheSortbyNameoption. InIntelliJIDEA,youcanusemultiplecarets. Typeadot. Toeasilylocateaniteminthelist,starttypingitsname. Instead of showing a boring tree, this action visualizes the hierarchy of the given class on a diagram: Needless to say that you can navigate to any class or interface on the diagram. Understand Your Java App BetterEmpirical Approach. WhenyouinvokeBasicCompletionCtrl+Space,IntelliJIDEAsuggeststhechoicesthatarereachablefromthecurrentcaretposition. In my case, I have no such 'ctrl space' for anything listed To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Hold Shift for range-selection. Ifamethodsignaturehaschanged,IntelliJIDEAhighlightsthedocumentationcommenttagsthatranoutofsyncandsuggestsaquick-fix: UseRefactor|CopyClasstocreateaclasswhichisacopyoftheselectedclass. Forexample,use$today.yeartokeeptheyearuptodate. Become a writer on the site in the Linux area. Love podcasts or audiobooks? However, the same can be done much quicker with KeyCombiner Desktop's instant lookup. Thisintentionactionwillnotevenmakeyouchangeyourcurrenteditinglocation. This applies to Java classes and classes in other languages, such as TypeScript or Dart. PressCtrl+Shift+Vtoselectthetextfragmentthatyouhavepreviouslycopiedtotheclipboard. This is also a good way to reach commonly used functionality that doesn't have keyboard shortcuts by default, such as Show History or Show Diff. TouseEditorConfigsettings,youmustinstallandenabletheEditorConfigplugin. We view the current breakpoints with Run View Breakpoints (Ctrl+Shift+F8/ Shift+Cmd+F8). Torunaqueryfromthisfile,callintentionactions(Option+EnterformacOS,Alt+EnterforWindowsandLinux)andselectRunqueryinconsole. but the solution there is to change the global default (which I don't want to do). After the configuration, we can start coding. If we want to highlight a member's usages in the current file, we use Edit Find Usages Find Usages in File (Ctrl+F7/ Cmd+ F7). Click on the plus button to add any new map on the list. PressShifttwicetosearchforfiles,actions,symbols,UIelements,Gitbranchesandcommentsacrossyourproject. In the default IntelliJ IDEA configuration, this parameter information automatically appears after a short delay. YoucaninvoketheQuickDefinitionViewer(Ctrl+Shift+I)foritemsincodecompletionlistsandtheclass,file,orsymbolnavigationcommands. And remember, the better you know your IDE, the more time you have every day to spend on what you really enjoy. To configure our current project, we select the top-level element in the Project view. Ifyouacceptacompletionsuggestionbypressingtheexclamationmark(! PressCtrl+Alt+Shift+UtoopenaUMLclassdiagraminaneweditortab. IntheSettings/PreferencesdialogCtrl+Alt+S,gotoTools|Terminalandspecifythepathtoyourshellexecutable. Youwillbetakentothesettingspagewhereyoucanmodifythecolorofthecodeelementatthecaret. Intheeditor,pressCtrl+W/Ctrl+Shift+Wtoextendorshrinkyourcurrentcodeselection. Alt+Shift+Fletsyouaddprojectelements(files,folders,packages,instance,andclassmembers)toaFavoriteslistAlt+2,whichalsoautomaticallyaddsyourbookmarksandbreakpoints: PressShifttwicetoopentheSearchEverywherepopup. When debugging, you can evaluate expressions to analyze the flow or prototype improvements: Youcanviewmultiplefilessidebysideintheeditor. Forexample,typepsvmandpressTabtoinsertthemain()methoddeclarationtemplate,thentypesouttoinsertaprintstatement. This action lets you choose one of the implementations youd like to go to from the whole list of derived classes: Now what if youd like to see the whole hierarchy of the classes that implement or override the current method? In IntelliJ IDEA you can quickly get a popup with the hierarchy of method calls via the Call Hierarchy action mapped to Ctrl + Alt + H: One more frequent pattern is navigation to one of the places where the symbol (constant, field, variable, method, class or interface) at the caret is used. Once we arrive at the right file and the right place, we can start editing our code. Ifnecessary,youcanalwaysrevertthefiletoitsoriginaltypebyusingtheMarkas Clicktheicontochoosethedesiredcolorusingthecolorpicker. This clearly explains why the Recent files action is such a heavily-used feature among IntelliJ IDEA users. By clicking such icon, you can navigate to the corresponding method definition in the superclass (or interface). Tomakeyourprintouts(File|Print)niceandinformative,usekeywords. PressCtrl+Conanyelementinthelookuplist. TocompareactiveeditorwiththeClipboardcontents,right-clickanywhereintheeditorandchooseComparewithClipboardfromthecontextmenu. The list of recently opened files is available with View Recent (Ctrl+E/ Cmd+E). Thats it. Thisisusefulwhenyouneedtocreateaclasssimilartoanexistingone,andit'snotfeasibletoputsharedfunctionalityinacommonsuperclass. Todays article focuses on the features that let you navigate between project files, blocks of code, and UI elements such as tool windows, editor tabs, etc. Free for teams of 10. rev2022.7.20.42634. Keyboard shortcuts save us time because we can keep our hands on the keyboard and get things done faster. PressCtrl+Dintheeditortoduplicatetheselectedblock,orthecurrentlinewhennoblockisselected. Toquicklyselectthecurrentlyeditedelement(aclass,file,method,orfield)inanotherview,pressAlt+F1orcallNavigate|SelectIn. Use the different search fields for more complex queries. To revert our changes to what's in Git, we use Git Uncommitted Changes Rollback (Ctrl+Alt+Z/ Alt+Cmd+Z). OnecaneasilyconvertanyJavaclasstotheKotlinonewiththesamesemantics. With Build Build Project (Ctrl+F9/ Cmd+F9), we validate manually if our recent code changes still compile. In addition to that, IntelliJ IDEA has a dedicated action called Super Method, available via Ctrl + U (Cmd + U for OS X). As expected, we can select items with the cursor and hit Enter to execute them. DatabasePluginwarnsyouifyouusetheequalssignintheclausewhereISNULLseemsmoreappropriate. ),comma(,),semicolon(;),space,andsomeothercharacters. Actually I speak portuguese but my keyboard and OSx is english. YoucanuseCtrl+Q(View|QuickDocumentation),Ctrl+P(View|ParameterInfo),Ctrl+B(Navigate|Declaration),andsimilarshortcutsnotonlyintheeditorbutalsointhesuggestionslistwhileusingcodecompletion. We can immediately type to narrow our search, use the cursor keys to select a function, and use Enter to execute it. When you call this action the second time, it changes the scope to the Project and libraries level. In the popup, type a sample string that should match your regular expression. Selecttheexpressionthatyouwanttolog,holdShift,andclickthegutteratthelinewheretheexpressionshouldbelogged. Whenyouneedtocastanexpressionvaluetotherequiredtype,useType-Matchingcompletion. Toviewallmethodsoftheimplementedinterfacesinaclass,placethecaretattheimplementskeywordintheclassdeclarationandpressCtrl+Shift+F7: PressAlt+Enterintheeditortofixahighlightederrororwarning,improve,oroptimizeacodeconstruct. IntelliJ also tracks our editor file locations. To activate the power of the navigation bar, call the Jump to navigation bar action via Alt + Home (Alt + for OS X). If we press that shortcut again, then we see only the recently changed files. We can also find text in all our files with Edit Find Find in Files (Ctrl+Shift+F/ Shift+Cmd+F). Toquicklyfindandrunaninspection,pressCtrl+Alt+Shift+Iandstarttypingthenameoftheinspectionoritsgroup. TypeanewnameandclickRun. ApplythedifferencesbetweenpanesintheDifferencesviewerusingthechevronbuttons: Toappendthecontentsofthecurrentpanetotheotherpane,keepCtrlpressed. If you are the copyright holder and wish to see your software removed, please get in touch and we will remove it quickly. UsetheType-MatchingcompletionCtrl+Shift+Spaceafterthenewkeywordtoinstantiateanobjectoftheexpectedtype. When we start to type the name of variables, methods, or types, IntelliJ IDEA helps us finish those names with Code Code Completion Basic (Ctrl+Space). Youcancreatecodeconstructsusingstatementcompletion. Settings/Preferences|Editor|Proofreading|Spelling. Forconvenience,youcanusevariables. Tocompareanytwofilesorfolders,selectthemintheProjecttoolwindowandpressCtrl+D. Apple is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries. That shortcut may also suggest changes to our code if it doesn't have errors. IfyouseeahighlightedcommandintheTerminal,donotexecuteitrightaway. Right-clickthedesirededitortabandselecthowyouwanttosplittheeditor(SplitRightorSplitDown). Todothat,justchooseCode|ConvertJavaFiletoKotlinFileonthemainmenu: Youcanviewthelistofallusagesofaclass,methodorvariableacrossthewholeproject,andquicklynavigatetotheselecteditem. Notethatanewqueryconsolemeansanewconnectiontoadatasource. Forexample,use$DATE$and$TIME$tospecifytheexactdateandtimeoftheprintout. YoucaninjectSpringentities,suchasbeannamesandresourcepaths. UseCode|InspectCodetoruncodeanalysisforthewholeprojectoracustomscopeandexaminetheresultsinaseparatewindow. Our project will have bugs. Continuing my series of articles where I highlight the top IntelliJ IDEA features (earlier I blogged about the top code completion and refactorings features), Id like to talk about navigation, which is another productivity-boosting function of an IDE that saves you lots of time, provided, of course, youre using it right. YoucanalsouseCode|OptimizeImportstoorganizeimportstatementsaccordingtotheprojectcodestylesettingsandremoveunusedimports. PressAlt+F7toquicklylocatealloccurrencesofcodereferencingthesymbolatthecaret,nomatterifthesymbolisapartofaclass,method,field,parameter,oranotherstatement. One of the fundamental things you, an IntelliJ IDEA user, need to understand to be able to harness all its power, is that this IDE was designed to keep the focus on the code. A nice thing about actions in IntelliJ IDEA is that theyre extremely easy to use without a mouse: once the popup is shown, youre welcome to type/change your query, the Up and Down keys help you navigate through the results. Stack Exchange network consists of 180 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. And we can rebuild our entire project from scratch with Build Rebuild Project (Ctrl+Shift+F9/ Shift+Cmd+F9). To round this, I ve made a knew keyboard mapping, which actually is the same than another language input source. There'snoneedtoscrolldownafiletoseealldetectedproblems:theyaregatheredinadedicatedProblemstoolwindow,whereyoucanreviewthem,applyasuggestedfix,orfixthemyourownway. Topreviewareferencedimageinapopupinsteadofinaseparateeditortab,pressCtrl+Shift+I. PressShifttwiceandtype/urltofilterbyendpointURLs. (Pro only), how KeyCombiner can boost your IntelliJ IDEA productivity, Inspect current file with current profile, Parameter info (within method call arguments), Toggle case for word at caret or selected block, Select current file or symbol in any view, Copy selected combinations to other collection, Copy selected combinations to personal collection 1-9, Move selected combinations to other collection, Move selected combinations to personal collection 1-9, Copy selected combinations to personal collection. UsetextpatternsinSearchEverywhere(doubleShift)whensearchingforaclass,file,orsymbol. What about such a basic operation as Go to a class? What is the meaning of the verb Its subject and object? Youcanjumpfromoneproblemtoanotherwithinafilebyclickingthearrows. One of the downsides of this action is usually its heavy-weightness: it starts a long-running search process and opens a tool window with results. Whennothingisselectedintheeditor,thelineatthecaretpositionwillbemoved. Speedsearchisavailableinalltreeviews:starttypingandyou'llquicklylocatethenecessaryitem. We navigate between classes and corresponding unit tests. Toseethesuggestionlistwithpostfixtemplates,youcanalsopressCtrl+J. Navigation means how fast you switch between the pieces of code you are working on. Note that the last accessed file is selected by default, so you can go there with just one click. Each method calls other methods that call other methods, etc. IntelliJIDEAprovidesseveralKotlinprojecttypes: YoucanusethePreviewareaoftheFindinFilesdialog(Ctrl+Shift+F)forquickersearchwithoutleavingthedialog. If we want to open any file instead, such as HTML or text files, we use Navigate File (Ctrl+Shift+N/ Shift+Cmd+O). In most IDEs you can see a special icon on the gutter next to the method definitions. And with Code Generate (Alt+Insert/ Cmd+N), we can create common methods like getters, setters, or toString(). PressCtrl+Ftodisplaythesearchpane. Afterwards, whenever you wish to get back to a saved bookmark, press Shift + F11, and select one from the list: I hope this articles given you a glimpse on how IntelliJ IDEA helps you navigate over your project keeping your focus on the code. If we want our program to run to the line where our cursor is, then Run Debugging Actions Run to Cursor (Alt+F9) accomplishes this. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Toquicklyseethedocumentationforaclassormethodatthecaret,pressCtrl+Q(View|QuickDocumentation). In order to do that, in any IDEs you can use the Find usages action. IntelliJIDEAletsyouassignandmergepullrequests,viewthetimelineandinlinecomments,submitcommentsandreviews,andacceptchangeswithoutleavingtheIDE: Whenusingcodecompletion,youcanacceptthecurrentselectioninthesuggestionslistwithCtrl+Shift+Enter. PlacethecaretatthebeansdefinitionintheSpringconfigurationfile,pressAlt+F1,andselectSpringBean. Thediffbetweenthesetableswillbeavailableintheseparatedialogofthedifferencesviewer. ( Well, here in brazil an apple keyboard it is pretty expensive ). When we need to commit our changes in Git, then Git Commit (Ctrl+K/ Cmd+K) is available. PressCtrl+Alt+Vandchooseanexpression., Get YouTrack: Issue Tracking and Project Management Tool, Enjoy having everything together in one place. Theresultwillbedisplayedinthesearchresults. Tojointwolinesintooneandremoveunnecessaryspaces,pressCtrl+Shift+J. IntheSettings/PreferencesdialogCtrl+Alt+S,selectEditor|Copyright|CopyrightProfiles,createanewprofile,andaddthetextforyourcopyrightnoticeusingvariables. We can still use F3/ Cmd+G and Shift+F3/ Shift+Cmd+G to move through our search result. What kind of signals would penetrate the ground? Youcanalsoinvokethehierarchyviewdirectlyfromtheeditortoseethehierarchyforthecurrentlyeditedclass. Remove Fn shortcut for switching input language. How to hide Spotlight in menu bar but keep the Space keyboard shortcut? ToexportthecurrentIDEcodestylesettingsintothe.editconfigfile,clickExport. PressAlt+EntertoreplaceacomplicatedcomparisonwiththeBETWEENoperator. Use the buttons at the top-left of the combination table to export the keyboard combinations in different formats.
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