cyrill stachniss slam course

Camp: 8:30-11 AM, 12 & Over: Check in 11:45 AM. 12 & Over: Check in 3:15 PM, Clinic 3:30 PM-6:30 PM Group A: 1:03 and faster Group B:100 yd Backstroke 1:10 and overOR200 yd Backstroke 2:28 and over Group B:11 & Under, September I.M. Swimmers will get to practice what they've learned by taking their stroke to your top speed with some of the best swimmers and coaches in the world! November 27: Groups will be based on your swimmers 100 yard freestyle time 100 yd Freestyle Boys & Girls: 1:12 and over, Session Times (All Days): Group B: 100 yd Freestyle Boys 1:06-1:30, Girls 1:07-1:30, Session Times (All Days): In celebration of the competition to name the USA Olympic swim team and one of our past participants making the 2021 USA Olympic Team, we are having our FIRST EVER one day only FLASH SALE! Sunday: Check in 6:15 AM, Clinic 6:30 AM-9:00 AM, February 13-14: Comprehensive Backstroke Camp 100 yd Freestyle Boys 1:00-1:11, Girls 1:02-1:11 Sunday: Check in 12:15 PM, Clinic 12:30 PM-3:30 PM, Group A (100 yd freestyle 1:02 and faster) times Group A: 100 yd IM 1:12 and faster -OR- 200 yd IM 2:36 and faster August 6 Group A: Ages 13 & Over Camp 12:00 PM-3:00 PM AtAntelope Aquatics Complex (7990 Palmerson Dr, Antelope, CA 95843) Group C: July 14-16 Check in 8:00 AM, Clinic 8:15 AM-10:45 AM Group A: 100 yd IM 1:15 and faster -OR- 200 yd IM 2:40 and faster Group A: Group A: Ages 12 & Over Group C: August 14-16 Check in 10:15 AM, Clinic 10:30 AM-1:00 PM Groups are based on your swimmers 100 -OR- 200 yard IM times At checkout, enter the promo code LABORDAY and the cost of thetowelwill be removed from your purchase! Group B: 200 yd Freestyle 2:19 and over Group B: 100 yd IM Boys 1:08-1:21, Girls 1:10-1:21 -OR- 200 yd IM Boys 2:27-2:56, Girls 2:33-2:53 100 yd Backstroke Boys 1:08-1:21, Girls 1:10-1:21 Group B: 100 yd Freestyle Boys 1:04-1:27, Girls 1:05-1:29, Session Times (All Days): Group A: August 10-12 Check in 7:00 AM, Clinic 7:15 AM-9:45 AM Saturday: Check in 7:45 AM, Clinic 8:00 AM-10:30 AM BUTTERFLY & UNDERWATERS CAMP November 5 & 6, 2022 Group B: 100 yd Freestyle 1:04 and over Group B: 50 yd Freestyle Boys 27.6 and over, Girls 29.6 and over, Group Assignments: Group A: 100 yd Freestyle: Boys 1:03 or faster, Girls 1:04 or faster Group A: 200 yd Freestyle 2:18 and faster Group B: 100 yd Butterfly 1:13 and over Copyright 2018 Fitter and Faster. Group B:100 yd Freestyle 1:03 and over Group B: Check in 8:45 AM, Clinic 9:00 AM-11:30 AM Group A: 200 yd Freestyle 2:18 and faster triathlon Group B: 100 yd Breaststroke: Boys 1:21-1:52, Girls 1:23-1:58 Group B: 100 yd Freestyle: Boys 1:04-1:27, Girls 1:05-1:29, Sunday, May 2 Group A: Swimmers ages 12 & over Group B: 200 yd Freestyle 2:19 and over Group B: 1:04 and over, November 27-28: Race Strategy Camp: 50s & 100s 100 yd Butterfly Boys & Girls: 1:22 and over, BREASTSTROKE group assignments are based on 100 yd breaststroke times Group C: Boys 1:22-1:51, Girls 1:22-1:53, August 14-15: Comprehensive Breaststroke Racing Camp November 27: Groups will be based on your swimmers 100 yard freestyle time Group B: 100 yd Backstroke: Boys 1:13-1:39, Girls 1:14-1:41, September 11-12: Race Strategy Camp: 100s & 200s Group A: Check in 11:45 AM, Clinic 12:00 PM-3:00 PM, Group Assignments: Group B: 100 yd Breaststroke 1:24 and over June 5-6: Comprehensive Breaststroke Racing Camp Group A:100 yd Backstroke 1:09 and fasterOR200 yd Backstroke 2:27 and faster Group B: 100 yd Freestyle 1:05 and over, Session Times: Group A: August 6-8 Check in 7:00 AM, Clinic 7:15 AM-9:45 AM Group B: August 25-26 Check in 10:15 AM, Clinic 10:30 AM-1:00 PM Group B:Boys 2:38 and over -OR- 1:14 and over, September Race Strategy Camp: 50s & 100s:Groups are based on your swimmers 100 yard freestyle time Group A: 100 yd Freestyle 1:03 and faster Group A: 50 yd Freestyle Boys 27.5 and faster, Girls 29.5 and faster Group A:100 yd Freestyle 1:02 and faster August 22: Groups will be based on your swimmers 100 yd freestyle time Group A: Boys 1:03 and faster, Girls 1:04 and faster 11 & Under Session 2: Check in 10:00 AM, Clinic 10:15 AM-12:15 PM, Session Times: Group B: Check in 8:45 AM, Clinic 9:00 AM-11:30 AM August 20 & 21: Attend both 11 & Under sessions! Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. Group A Session 2: Check in 3:15 PM, Clinic 3:30 PM-6:30 PM, April Comprehensive Starts Camp:Groups are based on your swimmers age 12 & Over Session 1: Check in 11:00 AM, Clinic 11:15 AM-2:15 PM Group A: Boys 1:12 and faster, Girls 1:13 and faster Saturday: Check in 10:00 AM, Clinic 10:15 AM-12:45 PM Session times are for both days of this camp. Group A Group B: June 13-15 Check in 8:00 AM, Clinic 8:15 AM-10:45 AM Group A: 200 yd Freestyle 2:18 and faster Saturday: Check in 4:30 PM, Clinic 4:45 PM-7:45 PM Sunday: Check in 4:45 PM, Clinic 5:00 PM-8:00 PM, Ages 10-12 Group A:1:04 and faster -Boys 1:00-1:10, Girls 1:02-1:11 Saturday: Check in 11:15 AM, Clinic 11:30 AM-2:00 PM, Friday, December 18 Sessions are based on your swimmers 100 yd backstroke time: -Boys 1:07-1:21, Girls 1:10-1:21 Group A: 500 yd Freestyle 6:10 and faster November 5 & 6: Attend both 12 & Over sessions! Saturday: Check in 11:30 AM, Clinic 11:45 AM-2:45 PM Sunday: Check in 12:45 PM, Clinic 1:00 PM-4:00 PM. NC 28202, -> DAY 1: High Performance Freestyle Technique, -> DAY 2: Freestyle Racing & Training Skills, -> DAY 1: High Performance Butterfly Technique. times If you are already registered, you should have received an email with further details and your registration will automatically transfer to the new date. -Boys 1:06 and faster, Girls 1:09 and faster Group B: 100 yd Freestyle: Boys 1:04-1:27, Girls 1:05-1:29, May Session Times Sunday: Check in 8:00 AM, Clinic 8:15 AM-11:15 AM, Group B Group B: 100 yd Freestyle 1:04 and over Group C: August 22-23 Check in 10:15 AM, Clinic 10:30 AM-1:00 PM, Race Strategy Camp: The IMs Group A Session 2: Check in 3:00 PM, Clinic 3:15 PM-6:15 PM, Group Assignments: Group A: July 19-21 Check in 7:00 AM, Clinic 7:15 AM-9:45 AM Group B: Boys 1:00-1:10, Girls 1:02-1:11 Sunday: Check in 3:00 PM, Clinic 3:15 PM-6:15 PM, Group B Group A: 200 yd Freestyle 2:21 and faster Group A: 100 yd Backstroke 1:12 and faster Session 6: Check in 1:45 PM, Clinic 2:00 PM-4:00 PM, June 11-12: High Performance Technique for Faster Racing (Ages 11 & Over) Group B:Boys 27.6 and over. Group A: 1:03 and faster Charlotte, Group B: Boys 1:07-1:21, Girls 1:10-1:21 Group B:100 yd IM Boys 1:13-1:38, Girls 1:14-1:41 -OR-200 yd IM Boys 2:37-3:35, Girls 2:39-3:38, Session Times (both days): Group B: 100 yd Freestyle 1:04 and over, Group Assignments: Group C: Check in 3:30 PM, Clinic 3:45 PM-6:15 PM, Group Assignments: Groups are based on your swimmers 100 yard freestyle time Group A: Boys 1:15 and faster, Girls 1:19 and faster Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. Group B Session 1: Check in 5:00 PM, Clinic 5:15 PM-7:45 PM Group B: June 21-23 Check in 11:45 AM, Clinic 12:00 PM-3:00 PM Check in 12:45 PM, Clinic 1:00 PM-4:00 PM Session 3: Check in 10:00 AM, Clinic 10:15 AM-12:45 PM May 22-23: IM Racing & Strategy Camp Group A: 200 yd Freestyle 2:25 and faster Group B: 100 yd Freestyle 1:04 and over, September 11-12: Session times are for both days and group assignments are based on 100yd freestyle times. Group B: 1:05 and over, April Race Strategy Camp: 200s & 500s 15 & over session times - Arlington, VA (Summer 2020), 800 E M.L.K. September 19: Groups will be based on your swimmers 100 yd breaststroke time Group A Group A: June 27-29 Check in 11:45 AM, Clinic 12:00 PM-3:00 PM Group A: Check in 12:45 PM, Clinic 1:00 PM-3:30 PM, April Camp:Groups are based on your swimmers 100 yard freestyle time Session 1: Check in 12:00 PM, Clinic 12:15 PM-2:45 PM Group A: 100 yd Freestyle 1:03 and faster May 16: Groups will be based on your swimmers 100 yd freestyle time 11 & Under Session 1: Check in 11:00 AM, Clinic 11:15 AM-1:15 PM Group B: 100 yd Breaststroke 1:21 and over, Session Times (All Days): Group B: 100 IM 1:13 and over OR 200 IM 2:38 and over, September Camp: Saturday: Check in 4:45 PM, Clinic 5:00 PM-8:00 PM 100 yd Backstroke Boys & Girls 1:22 and over, FREESTYLE group assignments are based on 100 yd freestyle times -> DAY 2: Freestyle Racing & Training Skills. Group A: 50 yd Freestyle Boys :27 and faster, Girls :29 and faster Group B: 100 yd Butterfly 1:13 and over. Group B: 100 yd Freestyle: 1:05 and faster, Session Times: Group B: 100 yd Breaststroke 1:21 and over, Session Times (All Days): Group B: July 19-21 Check in 10:15 AM, Clinic 10:30 AM-1:00 PM Session sizes are limited to only 24 participants to allow for the best learning experience. 100 yd Backstroke Boys 1:07 and faster, Girls 1:09 and faster November 27: Groups will be based on your swimmers 200 yd freestyle time Group A: Check in 12:15 PM, Clinic 12:30 PM-3:30 PM, Group Assignments: Group A:1:04 and faster Group A: 100 yd Freestyle: Boys :57 and faster, Girls 1:02 and faster Group B: 100 yd Breaststroke 1:21 and over, August 21-22: Race Strategy Camp: 100s & 200s Group B: 100 yd Breaststroke 1:21 and over, November 6-7: Race Strategy Camp: The 50 and 100s Saturday, May 1 Group B: 200 yd Freestyle 2:22 and over What: SAVE 25% off all June & July camps Group A: 50 yd Freestyle Boys :27.5 and faster, Girls :29.5 and faster Click the Curriculum Menu below for details on each camp! Sunday: Check in 3:45 PM, Clinic 4:00 PM-6:30 PM, Session Times (all days for all camps): October 16-17: Comprehensive Backstroke Racing Camp (Bay Club Santa Clara) Group B: 100 yd Freestyle 1:04 and over We are working with the facility to get a new date and we will let you know as soon as we can when that new date will be. Group B: 100 yd Freestyle 1:08 and over, Session Times (Both Camps): 100 yd Freestyle Boys :59 and faster, Girls 1:02 and faster Group A: 100 yd IM 1:12 and faster Group B: Check in 8:45 AM, Clinic 9:00 AM-11:30 AM Camp 8:45AM-11:15AM, Groups will be based on your swimmers 50 yard freestyle time Session 2: Check in 6:00 PM, Clinic 6:15 PM-8:15 PM, Saturday, June 12 Group B: Check in 9:00 AM, Clinic 9:15 AM-11:45 AM Group B Session 2: Check in 11:45 AM, Clinic 12:00 PM-2:00 PM atMecklenberg Aquatics Center (800 E M.L.K. 100 yd Butterfly Boys 1:07-1:21, Girls 1:10-1:21 Group A: 100 yd IM Boys 1:12 and faster, Girls 1:13 and faster -OR- 200 yd IM Boys 2:36 and faster, Girls 2:38 and faster

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cyrill stachniss slam course