PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount of time in which the sensor was in the Down status in percent. Select the SQL query file that includes a valid SQL statement that the sensor executes on the server with every scanning interval. You cannot interrupt the inheritance for schedules, dependencies, and maintenance windows. Provide the number of the column to use to determine the channel value in row 0. For more information, see the Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include? Use the placeholder {0} at the position where you want to display the value. at the position where you want to display the value. ) Our products help our customers optimize their IT, OT and IoT infrastructures, and reduce their energy consumption or emissions for our future and our environment. Enter an integer. The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor: Select a priority for the sensor. above. Define the sensor behavior if the query returns DBNull: This setting is only visible if you select Process data table for the setting Data Processing during sensor creation. during sensor creation. Shows tags that the sensor inherits from its parent device, parent group, and parent probe. This setting is only visible if you select Process data table above. Define if the sensor message shows a value from the data table: The method of how to determine a value for the sensor message is defined in the setting Select Channel Value by above. Provide the name of the column to use to determine the channel value in row 0. . The Oracle SQL v2 sensor monitors a database on an Oracle server and executes a query. Cloud Service, Install Oracle SQL Developer locally, and create a cloud connection from Oracle SQL Developer to your service. What security features does PRTG include? Define how to select the desired cell in the database table: : Determine the channel value by using the value in row 0 of the column whose number you specify in, : Determine the channel value by using the value in row 0 of the column whose name you specify in, : Determine the channel value by using the value in column 0 of the row whose number you specify in, : Determine the channel value by searching in column 0 for the key you specify in. Use Real Time SQL Monitor in Oracle SQL Developer, Use ASH Report Writer in Oracle SQL Developer, View Database Status in Oracle SQL Developer. PRTG shows this value for reference purposes only. This setting determines the position of the sensor in lists. The sensor can also process the data table and show the values that you define in individual channels. : Stack channels on top of each other to create a multi-channel graph. This setting is only visible if you select Process data table for the setting Data Processing during sensor creation. Provide the number of the column to use to determine the channel value in row 0. . The setting shows if the channel is disabled. Usually, a sensor connects to the IP Address/DNS Name of the parent device. Provide strings as they are and do not surround them with quotation marks. How can I monitor error tables in SQL databases? It is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-) sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>). This setting is for debugging purposes. You must define at least one data channel, so you see all available settings for Channel #1. This setting determines the position of the sensor in lists. The highest priority is at the top of a list. You can find the SID or SERVICE_NAME in the. : The sensor calculates and shows the difference between the last and the current value returned from the data table. Define credentials, custom port (if required), and timeout in the. The option you select here also defines the method of how to optionally determine a value for the sensor message. Do not use Custom if you use lookups with this sensor. However, you can choose the refresh interval from the drop-down provided at the top right corner of the tab, named Auto Refresh. See the device settings for details. during sensor creation. They are active at the same time as the parent objects' settings. Since 1997, we offer monitoring solutions for businesses across all industries and all sizes, from SMB to large enterprises. 14,90411 Nuremberg Germany. is not supported in sensor messages. A correct expression in the file could be: SELECT AVG(UnitPrice) FROM Products. Tags are automatically inherited. Select a unit from the list. We recommend that you use no more than 200 sensors of this sensor type on each probe. All channels with this unit are stacked on top of each other. below. The setting shows how you want to display the determined value in the channel. For some sensors, you can explicitly define the monitoring target in the sensor settings. The setting shows how you want to display the determined value in the channel. Select a lookup file that you want to use with this channel. You can use the it to monitor the uptime of the target server. This setting is only visible if you select Process data table for the setting Data Processing during sensor creation. Provide the number of the column to use to determine the channel value in row 0. For more information, see the Knowledge Base: Select the SQL query file that includes a valid SQL statement that the sensor executes on the server with every scanning interval. If no configurable channels are available, this field shows No configurable channels. Description of the illustration dba_connections.png, Description of the illustration ash_report.jpg, Use SQL Developer to Monitor Database Performance. See also the Knowledge Base: Why do I have to store SQL sensor queries and custom scripts in files on the probe computer? To use the Real Time SQL Monitor, you must perform the following steps: The DBA Connections are displayed in a tree view. Choose from the lowest priority (, of the database that the sensor connects to. in the SQL query, considering the general rules for SQL variables. It only shows the settings that are required to create the sensor. Enter a name for the channel. Tags are not case-sensitive. Store your script there. You must define at least one data channel, so you see all available settings for. Use it with care. For more information, see section Root Group Settings, section Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window. Enter a string. To use the Database Status feature in Oracle SQL Developer, you must perform the following steps: The Instance Viewer is refreshed in real time, and therefore you do not have a refresh option. This setting is only visible if you select Process data table above. Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available components, and the sensor setup. file on the Oracle server. It is not possible to use the unit Lookup in combination with the Difference mode. during sensor creation. Enter an integer. Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. Enter the name of a column. . By default, the sensor uses the SID as the connection string. : The query changes data in the database. The value in column 1 of the same row where the key value was found to use to determine the channel value. Enter a string. If you want to use transactions, separate the individual steps with semicolons ". This setting is only visible if you select Process data table for the setting Data Processing during sensor creation, if you select Column name for the setting Select Channel Value by, and if you enable Use Data Table Value in Sensor Message. Click the Settings tab of a sensor to change its settings. The setting shows if the channel is disabled. The Database Status node in the DBA Connections tree provides Instance Viewer which provides an overview of your instance. : Execute an SQL query file that contains a variable. that are automatically predefined in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor: Select a priority for the sensor. In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any values. Store your script there. Enter an integer. Define how to select the desired cell in the database table: Defining how the desired cell in the database table is selected is necessary to configure the cells that are used in the channels. However, there is an advanced procedure to do so. Enter a string. Choose from the lowest priority () to the highest priority (). . The sensor message shows the value in row 0 of this column. This parameter replaces the variables @prtg, :prtg, or ? It is a very powerful interface which provides a detailed snapshot of your instance, along with a Top SQL report. For details, see section Custom Sensors. Enter the parameter that you want to pass to the SQL query file. The Instance Viewer provides you with an overview of your instance in terms of database sessions, waits, clients, processes etc; One major aspect of instance viewer is the Top SQL report that it provides along with Memory and Storage metrics. file that you want to use with this channel. This setting is only visible if you select Process data table for the setting Data Processing during sensor creation and if you select Column number for the setting Select Channel Value by. A correct expression in the file could be: . You can also drill down into a top SQL item, to look into the complete query text, execution plan, SQL Tuning Advisors advice, and so on. This setting is only visible if you select Process data table for the setting Data Processing during sensor creation. Enter a string. Define the sensor message. To view the ASH (Active Session History) Report Writer, you must perform the following steps: The ASH Report Viewer page displays with links to various types of ASH reports such as: Top Events, Load Profile, Top SQL, Top PL/SQL, Top Java, Top Call Types, Top Sessions, Top Objects/Files/Latches and so on. You are not able to create the sensor in this case. The sensor message shows the value in column 1 of the row where the key was found. The sensor dynamically generates channels with this name as identifier. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a comma, or the Enter key. Specify how to handle all other possible channels: The sensor dynamically generates channels with this name as identifier. ) In the SQL query file, separate the single steps of the transaction with semicolons. It displays additional performance monitoring information for the selected entry under two tabs namely, Plan Statistics and Metrics. You can browse through the pages, if there are multiple queries in the real time sql monitor. Define the unit of the channel value: This setting is only visible if you select the channel unit Custom above. during sensor creation. You can find the SID or SERVICE_NAME in the CONNECT_DATA part of the TNSNames.ora file on the Oracle server. The list contains SQL scripts from the \Custom Sensors\sql subfolder of the PRTG program directory on the probe system. Define the value selection below. The sensor message shows the value in row 0 of this column. Enter a string. You cannot change it. This setting is only visible if you enable, . In the SQL query file, separate the single steps of the transaction with semicolons. Click any entry in the list displayed in the Real Time SQL Monitor. You can define up to 10 channels. Define the type of identifier that you want to use to connect to the database: The type of identifier that you need to use depends on the configuration of the Oracle server. Cloud Service database performance in real time through different options like Real Time SQL Monitor, Active Session History (ASH) Report Writer, and Database Status. The method of how to determine a value for the sensor message is defined in the setting. Specify the Identification Parameter below. By default, you cannot exclude single channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. Enter the name of a column. Define how to display the determined value in the channel: This setting is only visible if you select Process data table above. Enter the number of a row. statement and monitor how many rows of the data table this statement returns. above. during sensor creation. Affected rows are rows that were changed by the query (for example, created, deleted, or edited). Enter a string. Enter the number of a column. : Only show information about the number of affected rows and the execution time of the query. You are not able to create the sensor in this case. Enter one or more tags. The changes only apply if all execution steps succeed without any errors. For more information, see the Knowledge Base: Which .NET version does PRTG require? The list contains SQL scripts from the. Enter the parameter that you want to pass to the SQL query file. The value in column 1 of the same row where the key value was found to use to determine the channel value. PRTG automatically and correctly inserts string parameters into the query. Enter a key to search for in column 0 of the data table. Today, more than 500,000 users in over 170 countries rely on PRTG and other Paessler solutions to monitor their complex IT, OT and IoT infrastructures. Define the unit of the channel value: For more information about the available units, see section Custom Sensors. Confirm each tag with the, key. The sensor message shows the value in row 0 of this column. This sensor requires .NET 4.7.2 or later to be installed on the probe system (on every cluster node, if on a cluster probe). In the device tree, the last value of the primary channel is always displayed below the sensor's name. Define if the sensor message shows a value from the data table: : Define a custom sensor message with a defined value of the data table. : The query does not change data in the database. This setting is only visible if you select Process data table for the setting Data Processing during sensor creation, if you select Row number for the setting Select Channel Value by, and if you enable Use Data Table Value in Sensor Message. during sensor creation. By default, the sensor uses the SID as the connection string. This mode is not compatible with the unit. This setting is only visible if you select Process data table for the setting Data Processing during sensor creation. Define a unit for the channel value. Enter a name for the channel. Tags are not case-sensitive. settings of the parent device, or in the settings of a group or probe above. If the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with braces ({}) for security reasons. Enter a name for the channel. Which channel units are available depends on the sensor type and the available parameters. Tags are automatically. This setting is only visible if you select Process data table for the setting Data Processing during sensor creation. is available by default. For more information, see section Root Group Settings, section Channel Unit Configuration.
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